A growing subculture of individuals. They dress as simply as possible and are easily recognized by that bored look on their face. They usually live in really boring locations such as rual towns in Nebraska, Wisconsin, or Kansas.
Idfs frankly just don't give a fuck about anything. They may have some things they care about but they probably won't share this with you.
by Jimmie Dean November 22, 2004
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Stands for 'Israeli Defence Force', or 'Idiotic Dumb Fucks'. Widely considered the most evil army in history, the aim of this organisation is to ethnically cleanse the Palestinian population, take its land, and make its people survive a living hell. Its means are racism, illegal settlement-building, illegal wall-building, violence, incitement of violence, terrorism, and being utter bitches.
Netanyahu: They can't try me for war crimes, I'm IDF.
Arafat: Of course they can you idiotic dumb fuck, once there's a Palestinian state all the war criminals will be locked up behind bars.
by FreePalestine January 2, 2012
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Perfect antonym of a scene kid; One (usually a high school male but there are females and older people too) who do not conform to any particular stereotypes, popular or unpopular trends. At least not on purpose.
Misty is a scene girl; every day she spends an hour or two putting on makeup then her big black boots and other Goth apparel. She wants the outside of her body to express the rebel inside.

Joe is and Idf. When he wakes up in the morning he puts on his shoes and goes to school. He'll shower and put on a clean t-shirt and jeans if he feels like it’s worth the effort, generally it’s not.
by b-sol April 12, 2005
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Someone who belongs to a stupid subculture of complete lazy fucks.
That smelly looking guy who sits next to me in sixth period staring off into space with tags still dangling from his shirt is and Idf.
by SupaSmashBros February 8, 2005
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Yet another American high school sterotype. The person who sits in class with black feet because they walked to school with no shoes on. When asked "Why do you have spaghetti sauce all over your shirt." just huffs and continues staring at the cieling.
Basically it's the same as a burnout except they don't do drugs (too expensive and almost a social activity). May be intelligent but have no goals and see no reason to waste time becoming educated.
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IDF is an acronym for 'intelligent dance floor,' a form of house music popularised from the year 2017 when the Ministry of Sound in London installs its first dance floor that gives real time feedback to the DJ on the force applied by dancers feet and how accurately they are following the rhythm - and by extension their tiredness. This allows the DJ to better suit the music to the mood of the crowd. The actual music consistes of a mixture of original and remixed tracks that can easily change speed, without any of the accompanying 'cheesy' pitch changes. By 2020, IDF is able to operate without a DJ which leads to some very intersting phenomena, such as where a soul night is trashing out high speed terrorcore later in the night and hardcore raves that have slowed down to Classiclock!
Man I loved that IDF night at Gatecrasher. We went in to some gentle late 80s house and we went through trance, happy hardcore, gabba and slowed it right back down to some minimal techno later in the night!
by mids99 May 6, 2012
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Variation of idb .

Every man's dream gift from his girlfriend. When she invites her female friend over.

In Da Friend
My girlfriend gave me some idf for Christmas.
by Scrufdog December 27, 2005
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