Basically means 'Putting It On'.
Person 1 - "That kid's crying because he fell over".
Person 2 - "P I O"
by twenty4carrot January 29, 2008
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A.K.A. o0: Pronounced oh 0h. Training to be The First Maxed Granite Maul/Accumulator Pure In Runescape.
"No o0 i o i 00, I will not fight you! You're stats are crazy!"
"Don't Fight o0"
by o0 March 19, 2009
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A chant that occurs in Columbus, Ohio between 2 individuals or 2 groups of people who are too stupid to get that not everyone they see gives a rat's ass about sports and can't spell the name of the four letter state they live in without help from other idiots. Proof that OSU students don't learn anything but how to get arrested, drink, fight, watch football and date rape each other. Anyone who yells "O-H" at you in Columbus is a complete waste of flesh and deserves to get their ass kicked.
O-h-i-o? It's a sad state of affairs when spelling the word Ohio is a group effort for homophobic jerks (who attend an institute for higher learning) that spend all their free time watching something as homoerotic as football.
by j-rocka1337 June 21, 2010
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v o w e l s a r e n i c e
Astronaut 1: a e i o u a e i o u a e i o u a e i o u a e i o u a e i o u a e i o u a e i o u a e i o u
Astronaut 2: e y u i o a
Astronaut 1: I give up.
by I LIKE CHEEEZE September 11, 2020
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A term used when building a computer, specifically when Installing the I/O shield, and cutting yourself, as they are notorious for being sharp.
Ex. of the "I/O shield blood sacrifice"

Man: I was about to throw the whole tower against the wall! I felt like such an idiot. The IO shield is evil and requires a blood sacrifice!

Friend: It really is. I did a case transplant on Friday and it took blood even just for being moved from one case to another.
by TheNightAngel June 6, 2013
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I-E-A-I-A-I-O, why
As we light up the sky
by Spectenix October 20, 2021
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A fan's emphatic proclamation stating that he and/or she indeed cheers for the best damn football team in the land!
O-H-I-O!! Go Bucks! Beat Michigan!
by BuckeyeGirl November 26, 2007
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