The most amazing girl you will ever meet. Very 4D and lovingly strange. Comes from a planet full of syrup, candy, chocolate and nekkid men. Her dream is to go to neverland and be young like Peter Pan forever.
That girl's Joo Hyun. She's so beautiful.
by NinjaYuffie September 26, 2010
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In a nutshell, A North Korean celeb, famous for helping Kim Jong Un decide who to nuke first.
Guy 1: Did you hear about kim jong uns new assistant hyun jun?
Guy 2: ur racist bruh
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A teenage Korean girl with a really hot body. When people walk by her they get boners. She's also an assassin. She likes sushi. She befriends Indian people. She's literally the sexiest person you will ever meet. She's such a bitch but compassionate and caring at the same time. She's honest but sometimes a little TOO honest. She likes to yell at people. She's fierce as fuck and smart as fuck.
you made it out alive? OMG :O
by creeper1999 January 14, 2012
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Ex. Mu Hyun just came to me in my dreams! I NEED KIMCHI
by PotatoKingX September 22, 2014
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Another meaning of faggot, mostly used in Korea
Wow, you are such a Seung Hyun, cunt.
by DikOff April 27, 2015
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My God he's such an Sang-hyun
What a Sang-hyun
by LEESH101 November 15, 2017
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a girl who hyper af, kind, loves anime and cares about others,a girl who can be a little sister to anyone, cherish others and have a lot of talent of dancing, singing, rapping and also producing songs
hyun jae is very cute
by DS_hyperj December 28, 2017
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