An overrated performer. Someone who defeats the greatest in the business by sitting on their face. A metal hip replacement, which should have gave him the hint that his wrestling career was over 70 years ago, instead caused us to put up with him hobbling down to the ring every year for Wrestlemania. Known for his comebacks when he runs out of money to wipe his arse with. I have no beef with Hogan or his 'acomplishments'...but i just wish he would give it a rest.
Hulk Hogan: 'Watcha gonna do Brother, when when my huge flabby man breasts run wild on you?!'

HBK (mimicking Hogan): 'right now, I feel like I'm a hundred and two brother!'
by JimmyJimm January 17, 2006
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(V.) A sinister sexual act where a man starts by defecating or crapping in their tighty whiteys and/or wresting tights (if available). The man then proceeds to perform an atomic leg drop, or Hogan leg drop onto the face/neck area of the lady.

If done properly, the person's face will be spackled with poo and you will be able to get the '3 count'.

This act is also referred to as 'The Real American'
Melissa threw a spoon at me last night, so I got her back and Hulk Hogan'd her while she was watching TV in bed.
by Franky Rizzo September 15, 2007
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The Hulkamaniacs are going crazy for Hulk Hogan.
by Bird Man June 29, 2005
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(N.) The most popular and well known WWe wrestler of all time. He used to wrestle bak int he WWF days and had an Irish Whip Big Boot as a finisher. He is known by non-wrestling watchers as "That Wrestling dude who told me to eat my prayers and say my vegetables and/or vitamins." Nowadays, he is in his late 60's and stars in a reality show on VH1 called "Hogan Knows Best."
The WWe's Muhammed Hassan and Khosrow Daivari were given the humilating task of having to "job" (get beaten up in a wrestlinmg match) by old-man Hulk Hogan and his 6' britney-wannabe daughter, Brooke Hogan.
by G-Union Resurrection May 6, 2005
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Can you dig it because Hulk Hogan said so, it's true, it's damn true that you can smell what Hulk Hogan is cooking . . . sucka!!!
by DBlues February 20, 2003
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(n.) WWF/WCW/WWE wrestler who hekd the world heavyweight championship belt for ages in the 80s (must have been over a year). Recognised by non-wrestling fans by the fact he appeared ina Rocky movie
Hulk Hogan was a crap wrestler, but he knew how to sell it to the crowd, and get an arena chanting.
by Banastre July 16, 2004
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(V.) A sinister sexual act where a man starts by defecating or crapping in their tighty whiteys and/or wresting tights (if available). The man then proceeds to perform an atomic leg drop, or Hogan leg drop onto the face/neck area of the lady.

If done properly, the person's face will be spackled with poo and you will be able to get the '3 count'.

This act is also referred to as 'The Real American'
Melissa threw a spoon at me last night, so I got her back and Hulk Hogan'd her while she was watching TV in bed.
by Frank_Rizzo August 24, 2007
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