1. (n.) A senseless action taken soley to fulfill an unexplainable impulse.

2. (v.) The committing of a hink.
Jaques: I just bought 175 purple porcelain racoons.
Michel: Damn man that's was a hink and a half.

Carmen: Rolling around in a sandbox full of razorblades and then soaking in a bathtub full of rubbing alcohol was not a good idea.
Jorge: Yeah you really hinked there.
by Bizzle fo Shizzle June 9, 2005
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Comes from the western Norwegian saying "Hink Til Helvete", meaning 'Hop To Hell'. The word Hink is a verb and has several uses (much like the word "f*ck").
1. Q: What happened to him?
A: He got hinked. (killed, beaten up etc.)

2. Hink (said to somebody, can mean piss off) or (can be said if you don't want to discuss a peticular issue)

3. Q: Where did he go?
A: He hinked home. (went home)

The word can be used very freely and has many other meanings.
by C to tha Rizzo July 1, 2003
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verb - thinking of someoe in a very sensual way, almost as if they were you love bird....
i was just hinking of you
and for those of you who dont know
thinking- verb- to think about about some one is a sensual way, as if they were your love bird
by haardt December 12, 2003
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to poke fun at; to mock.
You're dating a gap toothed retard!hink!
by Chuck Norris-Choad- May 20, 2007
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Its a new word that is still catching on. Its a way of misspelling the word think. Its a very common word in biology class. Pretty much its like the word fetch, neither make sense, but instead of being like the word fetch and not going far, the word hink is used quite a bit.
"I hink you are very wrong." "I hink this word doesnt make any sense. I hate to hink about irt." "Thatcher, I hink this word makes absolutely no sense, but Im still probably gonna use it."
by Iamahinker August 20, 2019
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