Extremely talented band consisting of three brothers. The albums consist 100% of their own music and their concerts are made of songs that are theirs and a couple that aren't. They are extremely well rounded musicians; playing countless instruments. They are highly underrated because of idiots who associate them with just their song Mmmbop (which, if you think about it is pretty impressive for people at that age to write), a song that they wrote and released when they were young. These people don't even give them an chance and immediately dismiss them.
They are extremely talented and should be given a fair chance.
"Did you get Hanson's new record, The Walk?"
"Yeah I did. It's great."
by hansonrocks November 18, 2007
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Hanson is a word used to describe perfection. It derives of the band Hanson, which is no less than this. As a matter of fact, nothing will ever top Hanson. Ever.
TL: Even if Tay hadn't been a Hanson, he would still be Hanson.
by Trine October 4, 2007
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One of the most underated bands on the pop/rock scene. They have there own record label called 3 Car Garage, and write most all of their songs. Known for their past, including long hair and Mmmbop, they have been categorized as sissy pansies. They have released 8 studio albums.
That Hanson song was amazing.
by James A. C. November 15, 2005
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Hanson is a band that emerged from their Tulsa, Oklahoma home with talent, real and indisputible talent, and they have made a career for themselves on that talent. There are still plenty of people who are Hanson fans, and even more who are but won't admit it. Yes, they are most famous, and infamous, for singing MMMBop before Tay hit puberty and having long blonde hair that, yes I admit, sometimes made Tay look like a girl. BUT, it has been 8 freaking years since MMMBop and Middle of Nowhere, and Hanson has changed and grown, just like SOME of you. So if you feel the need to say that Hanson are girls to justify the thoughts in your head about how hot you think Taylor is, go right ahead. But we who know better, those who actually recognize and have respect for talent, will just keep laughing at your pathetic attempts to ruffle our feathers or get us to change our minds about our musical interests. Besides, we have way better insults than "They look like girls!" or "They're gay!" *rolleyes* Yeah that takes skill.
Loser: Hanson? That one that looks like a chick is frickin gay!
Hanson fan: You mean Taylorbelle? Yeah probably, but at least he has his scarves.
by The wonderful Apie of cheese October 4, 2005
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N. A state of confusion and feeling attraction to a persons who you thought was a girl, but in actuality is boy.

V. being fooled into thinking a boy was a girl.
Tyler was made fun of at work for his hanson on james.

Jordy hansoned Brian at the store today by wearing a wig a long curly blonde wig.
by thesluttyvirgin December 14, 2014
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to be accessorized by hanson. to make anything related to hanson in some way.
i hansonized my room by putting posters from 1997 on the wall.
by jeana August 27, 2003
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The scar-like strip of skin on the underside of the head of the penis.
He loved it when she would lick his hanson.
by Debrox December 31, 2011
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