An internet sham artist, usenet troll, stalker, shameless perpetrator of misinformation in the guise of medical expertise. A copy and paste Googler.
Please don't feed the Hamboner.
by hartsnfartsn September 16, 2003
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A Hambone is a term used to describe a Fat Jelly-ass who lives off welfare, is overweight and contributes nothing to society.
Ghost: The reason I made the hambone movement is so you idiots can go out and call fatasses hambones all across the world out here.
by stressed twilight sparkle October 15, 2011
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the act of being so drunk that your floating somewhere between hammered and fucked aka boned.
dude 20 bucks says shes gonna be hamboned after that funnel of wine

we might be drunk but hes sooo hamboned right now he cant even figure out the concept of shoes right now
by liquid524 December 5, 2009
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oddly constructed phrases that sound reasonable at first but upon further consideration you realize that he's blabbering
I'm going to the crapateria for a cup of coffee
Man, this strategery has my head spinning
by Pecanwombat January 6, 2004
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A rhythmic knee and chest slapping motion; A dance where you make your own music by slapping your "hambone" (outer thigh) {*1} then your chest {*2} and your inner thigh (or top thigh) {*3} on the way back down to make a 3 beat rhythm.
This rhythm was popular amongs Afro-Americans during the slave times and following. It was a common popular dance/music making method. At times it accompanied instruments or dance (such as scat) such as the fiddle or whatever could be attained during the hard times of poverty {Currently nearly non-existing and a lost art of African-American culture}
That ol' boy can slap the hambone som'n funky!!
They was up in the barbershop singin' and doin' the hambone.
by westsan October 2, 2006
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An agreement word for a night of audaciousness, recklessness and debauchery.
Last night was intense.”

by I am the toast June 4, 2020
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Four consecutive strikes in a game of bowling. One better than a Turkey (three consecutive strikes).

Walter Ray Williams just got a Hambone!
by Rob Stone December 2, 2007
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