welsh, geek, habbo-thug. likes sheep.
A gwynne stole mi furn init, OMGZHI2U!
by cryinghabbochild March 22, 2004
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Another name for Steve, Stephen, and Bilemo
Nice job Gwynn!
by Crab Cake 3 November 23, 2017
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A person who betrays her friends and isn't loyal at all. She can be kind with close people. She is good at faking personalities and if you treat her well she will repay you with twice your acts.
Piper: Ayy!! Are you Gwynn?
Gwynn: Ur dumb
by 101928272626 February 28, 2020
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A girl who doesn't think like most girls because she is mentally and physically strong but still is very feminine and delicate. She loves to laugh and is up for anything. She has a heart of gold. And has a great love for the beach and water. She is a leader and knows how to get the party started. She can be crazy when it's ok to be but can also be calm and controlled when the time calls for it. Sophie is a very nice and a talented person. she is a very smart and talented person who can do anything when she puts her mind to it.
A: hey do you know Sophie Gwynne?

B: Hell yeah, who doesn't?

A: I know! She's the best.
by twilight sucks ;P January 12, 2012
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The Greatest High School in P.G. County, MD
The greatest school in The State of MD
The School of High school Sports Gods
Who Was the Basket Ball State Champs?? Gwynn Park High School
by The Purple One January 24, 2009
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A square headed bozo who you can’t argue with as his small brain simply cannot comprehend what other people say.
You’re such a Josh Gwynne.
by Sam Mcgeagh April 13, 2022
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The dialect used by the cult of Gwynn, formerly known as the cult of Debora (A quirky and random cult). It includes constant spam of the emoji 👹👺🏇💪🥶, constant spam of all caps, and constant references to topics such as Mr. Worldwide, Wild Kratts, Reptilians, and Attack on Titan. Any time you must call a person, you must shout their name incredibly loudly multiple times. Any time another person enters the group chat, you must say "That's good for you buddy 👍." The other members of this cult are referred to as "Leiges" and you must greet each other with "Broski."
Member: "WhY aRE YoU bEIng a SuSSy bAKA, whAT WOULD MR WORLDWIDE mr 305 THINK 🥵👹"

Normal person: "Why are you talking in Gwynn Dialect? Can you stop spamming caps I find it annoying."

Member: "That's good for you buddy 👍. Sorry guys I have to go listen to attack on titan, or the zuko rap."
by NinjaCat5510 January 31, 2022
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