One who takes the testicles into the mouth and Gurgles them in true fashion.
"Oh gosh, look who it is..It's Carmen, she's such a ball Gurgler."
by TheGurgledUponHEARDmember February 8, 2010
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Someone who consistaly gurglers turds.
For example: Someone who steals your last pair of socks is a "Turd gurgler"
by Woody November 1, 2004
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-Noun (snerd gur-guhler)
A person who is required to perform oral sex as a result of losing a bet or contest.

Breakdown: Snerd: genitalia;

Gurgle: the act of performing oral sex.


Roman: (Snerdius Gurglius)

circa: 30 A.D.
"Jake had to gurgle Sarah's snerd because he lost in a "name that tune" contest. He's such a snerd gurgler!"

Common 30 A.D. usage: "I told you he wasn't the messiah! Now you have to gurlge my snerd; you snerd gurgler!
by El Destructo March 13, 2010
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one who gurlgels poop in thier spare time, they often regurgitate this poop in the form of bad conversation, vulgarity, or a general non-sensical mannerism
Person A: Man, it seems like all floyd jones does is brag about his petty achievements

Person B: Don't you know? He's a poop gurgler, cut him some slack
by poptarts24 November 1, 2010
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When a batty, batty boy takes a bakers dozen worth of schwans across his lips until climax without spitting or swallowing and finally leans his head back and gurgles that goo like it's mouthwash.
After the last schwan left his mouth batty Ritt showed off for the bat's by becoming a goo gurgler for five minutes straight.
by K December 17, 2003
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Someone who criticizes other's people's actions in a particular, nitpicky and public way (the gurgle), using some bullshit idea (the turd)or as their justification. The resulting sound is that of gurgling a turd.
Person A "OMG I hate people who drive SUVs, they are causing polar bears to die because of global warming"

Person B to Person A "Shut up you TURD GURGLER!!"
by pooneggler January 14, 2010
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This occurs when you cum in a girls mouth and then tea-bag her, while your balls are in her mouth she has to gurgle the cum.
That lucky girl! She got a Garett county Gurgler!
by batherbutt December 11, 2008
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