Swallowing your saliva or dry swallowing, often used as a expression of worrying and fear in cartoon
Scooby: Shaggy...
Shaggy: Its behind me, Isn't it?....
Scooby: Yes...
Shaggy: *Gulp* Oh no...
Shaggy and Scooby: RUNNN!!!!
by Mystei January 30, 2023
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"These Urban Dictionary guys are bunch of filthy perverts. Gulp is clearly the sound made when swallowing, and can have quite innocent connotations."
by Mr. Brownstone January 27, 2005
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(verb) to swallow cum after a blowjob or intercourse.
by Mirage January 1, 2005
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A great method of birth control. 100 percent effective.
It started off with just cruisin', then she said "Gulp. Gulp Gulp"
by dieselboy427 July 3, 2010
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A gulp is when you take a big swallow. It could be swallowing food, water, or parts on a persons' body.
Gulps can be used for casual swallows when you are eating, or for pleasure.
"I need to gulp this water down!"
"Well, I need to gulp down my boyfriends' body part."
by joiiymeiio November 28, 2022
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the act of sucking someone’s dick so violentily,so sloppily, so alarmingly hard yet so careful and gentle, that it puts them in a pleasure induced coma.
yo bro kymanii gave me the gulp gulp 10000 two months ago and it took me almost 3 weeks to wake up! it was three weeks that i’ll never get back but, man did it feel great!
by daveyboi6969 October 18, 2019
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To the suck the fart out of someone's ass.
Dude, have you tried to gulp Linda yet?
by UncleCarl69 December 16, 2018
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