A Southern California based exclusive gentlemen's society known for heavy, intense, and sometimes downright violent consumption of hoppy substances. Their name is derived from an old, worn, wooden gazebo in which the members would carry out their rituals every weekend or in some cases nightly.

Today, membership is based on loyalty, virility, and dedication to finishing the large amount of alcohol purchased for the evening.

The Gazebo is often compared to a fraternity, but the obvious difference is in the volume of beer consumed by The Gazebo's memebrs, which by fraternity standards, dwarfs any frat's numbers.
Once I was invited to a party at The Gazebo. It was fun, but when about 8-10 of their members took on 200+ beers within the 2 hours I was there, my silky, tropical scented panties slipped off my luscious willing ass.
by SidewalkPuncher87 July 26, 2009
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For John's bachelor party, Eric ordered a gazebo of hookers for the nights entertainment.
by Buddytonto April 17, 2015
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We'll meet up under the gazebo.
To the hut thing!
by ET2QT September 2, 2003
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A creature that may be found in a field in a game of D & D and attacked.
"I attack the gazebo"
"it just stays there...its a gazebo"
by kinkybinky32 June 30, 2004
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A Gazebo is a spontaneous lesbian moment. Upon this occurance, all surrounding males must shout out the word 'Gazebo', informing all other males of the entertainment.
*Two attractive girls kiss*
Brad and Nathan - OMG! GAZEBO!
by D&B Lesbians April 10, 2011
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1. An outdoors covered "hut thing"
2. Often used for flassing
3. Used in exchange for words such as "wow"
We sat under the gazebo when it rained.
Robin enjoys flassing his mother with a gazebo.
I just won the lottery! Gazebo!
by larry says hi October 15, 2005
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