Frederik’s are the greatest boyfriend anyone could ever wish for! They are an extremely rare breed, known as the Nordic Aliens located in the heart of Pleiades. One has been sent down to earth disguised as the most handsomest guy ever to exist. He has the most beautiful eyes, soft looking hair, perfectly sculpted face and not to mention a body of a sex god. Anyone to meet a Frederik are considered the luckiest humans alive. He will make your life go from bad to good, your mood go from sad to happy, your heart go from broken to whole. He is sweet, kind, caring, loyal, funny and the best thing to ever happen to someone! You just fall instantly in love with him and being loved by one is the best thing that could ever happen to you. Once you have him, you won't ever want to let him go. You’ll want him to be in his arms forever!
Extremely a Frederik
by vbhdkfgvd May 10, 2019
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Frederike is a weird girl who likes to talk to her food. She always asks people for fights, leaving them with bruises as if they had cycled against a wall. She herself can cycle on bikes without breaks successfully.
Person 1: Hi Pizza, how are you?
Person 2: You're such a Frederike

Frederike: *aggressively* Wanna fight?
Other person: No...
Frederike: *punches other person*
by hannahworshipper#1 June 21, 2022
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The sweetest heart you will ever find. You can keep it deep in your soul wherever you go, because it will never fade away. It`s also an amazingly smart cookie which is really delicious.
Sailor1: I wish i could meet a Frederik.

Sailor2: Yeah, they`re really hard to find. Usually they hide from life.
Sailor3: You won´t believe it, but i actually found one.
by Sailor<3 September 23, 2018
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A man of the math and chess. His brain is so large, that it could fill an entire house, but it somehow still manages to be smaller than your mum.
Valter: Hey, have you seen Frederik Vase today?
Victor: No, he's too smart.
by BallsNCock March 29, 2022
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a dirty frederik is when a guy is gay and does online porn because he is a drug addict. He fokuses on anal and fisting.
by fjpisedjeflksdnflk September 26, 2022
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You are being such a Frederik today, no cap on a stack 50/50 skrilla skrilla.
by ICatchYourBus October 27, 2020
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A Frederik Petersen defines someone who is like he is. It is a typically used definition of someone who is stupid, used in the area around Copenhagen, Denmark, but might not be known where you live, since it is slang. He tends to believe and try to convince other people that he is interested in many things and is an expert at things that he is not. Besides that he can be very funny, cool and likable but is special and kind of a know it all.
See that guy over there? He is such a Frederik Petersen.

I could bang a Frederik Petersen rn.
by yourmomsmellslikefunions March 16, 2023
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