Southern slang.
Used to say blow on.
If something is too hot, you foosh it.
Make sure you foosh it. It's hot.
by trollerbin. March 25, 2018
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A person who genuinely loves to fuck a robot.
Don- Did you hear about Mike Pence?
George- Naw man
Don- Dude, I hear he’s a foosh.
by Frilo January 12, 2021
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(n.) an object used to poke weed into the end of a blunt or joint. it can come in the form of a pencil, twig, paperclip, etc., but becomes a foosh upon being used for this purpose.

(v.) the act of poking weed into the end of a blunt or joint.
(n.) "paging doctor faggot, let me get that foosh"

(v.) "you gotta foosh that shit in homie, your blunt is lookin loose"
by Mamurda67 April 8, 2011
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a word invented by mispronouncing the word 'fortune'. it is now widely known to replace the word 'fool', 'idiot', etc.
Girl: what day is it today?
Boy: the 11th. it's written on the board right in front of you, foosh.
by Fooshious Gal December 9, 2010
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1) a person who is always there to support you like the wind beneath your wings
2) someone who constantly likes your facebook statuses
3) Awesome friend in general.
Person 1: So who's that girl who constantly likes your statuses?
Person 2: oh you must be talking about my foosh. Yea shes awesome like that
by FORDHAMRUSH April 14, 2011
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A massive prank by one group of people on another group. Often at camp.
We pulled a foosh on all the guys by stealing their left shoes.
by clickclackkup December 5, 2011
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A combination of a Fag and a Deush
Look at that kid over there, he's such a foosh.
by daniisawesomeandyouknowit December 3, 2010
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