A complete stranger who approaches you at a gas station in the middle of nowhere, only to ask you if you've "found Jesus yet?" The question is usually accompanied by a proselytizing business card depicting someone going to hell for their supposed sins.
Car Owner: Fuckin' gas prices are ridiculous!!
Flanders: 'Scuse me, but I couldn't help noticing you're really mad about the price of gasoline. Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your lord n' savior? He'll help you with your anger.
Car Owner: What are you, some kinda nutcase?
by Tommyt August 29, 2007
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Someone who takes christianity too seriously, revolving most or all of their everyday life around God and/or the bible.
Those 'Jesus Saves' guys are a bunch of flanderses.
by Devin A. December 27, 2003
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Somebody who never does anything wrong, a do-gooder. This person will often seem to good to be true.
I can't believe how perfect she is it's like she's not even human, she is such a Flanders.
by phantom004 November 3, 2005
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The half hairs that stick out from your ponytail that are because eo ripping your hair out from wearing ponytails.
My flanders were sticking up today, so I hairsprayed them down.
by Amiee the goat January 11, 2019
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A person who flits from potential mate to potential mate flirting, showing off, and generally displaying swag. Not necessarily a negative term, simply a word to characterize a set of actions.
by Clapforthunder June 3, 2014
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1. To speak in the upbeat, euphemistically nonsensical style of the character "Ned Flanders" on the TV show "The Simpsons"
2. To censor, recreate, or rearrange one's living space, language, or appearance as to not offend those with very conservative religious or moral standards.
1. He flanderized when he said that the party was a howdly-doodly-humdingeroo.
2. My boyfriend's mother is a priest, so we have to flanderize our house when we know she is coming over to visit.
by AddieE. April 12, 2006
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