When a man is with a women who intimidates him and as he tries to have sex with her his penis goes limp and flaps around like a fish on land.
Yo, you hear what happened to Adam yesterday while he was wit that bad chick?

Yea yo, I heard he got some fish dick.
by FishmanFive April 28, 2007
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(1) Fish stick, especially fish sticks that aren't very good.

(2) A guys dick after fucking some nasty, stinky tuna cunt.
Sally's twat felt pretty good, but it was too stinky to eat, and gave me a case of fish dick.
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kellie and erin of toronto canada coined the phrase meaning something that doesn't quite belong where you found it.
" I was eating my sandwich and bit into a fish dick, which I promptly spit out and showed to my friend"
by erin November 24, 2004
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The group act of, well putting your dick in the mouth of a fish you or someone else has caught. An activity conducted in secret by groups of male friends who are always going "fishing". Fish dicking can be a solo adventure but is usually conducted by a group. Fish dickers like talking about fishing trips all the time, and generally drop bank on fish stuff. People who fish dick are constantly blowing off doing cool things such as going to the bar to find bitches, or attending a crunk ass show. Instead of doing something cool fish dickers are always insisting that they have to go fishing instead.
Guy 1 "It's tuesday night let's go to Maxx's and hit on college girls!"
Guy 2 " Can't go tonight, have to go fishing on Saturday.."
Guy 1 " More like going fish dicking.."
by NinjaMonkeyBallz420 October 14, 2015
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A person that comes from Portsmouth. 'Skates' as they are more widely called, can't get real women and therefore resort to having sex with fish, jence the name Skates. Afterwards, they have a fish dick.
Check out the skate over there, I bet he has a minging fish dick.
by sausage fingers November 10, 2006
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stacy: he has a fish dick but i still fucked him because im a huge slag
by fish_penis December 24, 2016
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When a guy sticks his dick in a woman on her period.
Girl: What's that smell?
guy: *Pulls out*
girl: You have a fish dick.
by CUDDL3S November 13, 2016
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