A fat person(cruel, also a rude term of adress)
by Light Joker August 29, 2004
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An abbreviation for fat soul. This commonly used insult is more than a mere comment on a person’s physical appearance. It refers to the inner motivations behind this person’s gluttony, hinting that the unstoppable craving for food is a integral part of his or hers personality, or soul. Thus a fatso need not be a obese son of a bitch that has to pay for two seats on an airplane, but might as well be skinny like that most hospitable of Hilton hotels.
Burger joint employee: Do you want the extra large menu for only 1$ extra?
Fatso : Damn man! Look at me! What the hell do you think???
by m;) April 7, 2008
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someone that look alot like Carazanu Luca, very dumn and also intarzie
Luca is such a fatso
by promaximus September 16, 2023
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a fatso rating - an acronym for
Sex appeal

use it to rate hot girls that you see on the street, on the bus etc. out of 5 for each, max 20
whoa see that brunette over there - her fatso must be at least 18
by not illiterate April 20, 2005
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another definition for a fatso in modern society, is someone who used to be fat but lost alot of their weight with some traces still behind
a person who eats alot and does NOT gain as much weight as other people
for instance if you can eat a 8x8 at in n out and still feel like you can eat more, chances are you are a fatso
by foodlovers nationwide April 4, 2007
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1. A derogatroy term for a police officer. 2. A fat cop in a blue uniform.
I got pulled over by another cop! I think those blue fatsos are out to get me!
by Crazy8888s June 4, 2011
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