1. a C-130T airplane

2. a strain of cannabis

(perhaps influenced by the character in Stories told by comedian Bill Cosby)
How did he got to ride Fat Albert.
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The single coolest kid that wasn't in our crew in MS 51. He did moonsaults and stunners for Hot Dogs.....HALF EATEN hot dogs (No Homo)
"Hey Fat Albert!"
"Give that girl the stunner"
"Would you do it for a hot dog?"
by Azurebaijan February 13, 2005
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The act of receiving fellatio on the toilet while simultaneously defecating and eating a cheeseburger.
I think I'm gonna dump her, but I'll at least see if I can get her to give me a Fat Albert first.
by dragonschld June 12, 2008
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A Jay and Silent Bob creation, owing mostly to the genius of Kevin Smith. The Fat Albert dance routine was a cut scene from the feature film Dogma, and had a small but entertained cult following.
Let's watch Jay and Silent Bob do the Fat Albert again!
by Katy December 26, 2003
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A black man with a overwhelmingly large cock "he will also beat you ass with his fat albert"
"I will also beat you ass with my Dirty Fat Albert"
by gaurd565 February 15, 2015
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Nasty, sloppy sex involving a fat guy who is just too comfortable with himself.
She couldn't believe she had to resort to Fat Albert sex but the pickings were slim at last call.
by Syed Hashmi November 25, 2007
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