To comment excessively on another person's Facebook page, usually all at one time.
Benny: Dude, do you think she's knows I'm interested in her?
Sebastien: Well, you commented on every single picture in her profile album and left five comments on her wall in the past five minutes. I think she knows. Facebomb much?
by Starrynight1979 October 9, 2009
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One who "bombs" your Facebook News Feed with multiple status updates, link/video posts, picture uploads, Foursquare check-ins, etc. Basically someone with no life.
I know all the details of Ryan's day, including his bathroom breaks, because he is a FaceBomber.
by ILLbehaved May 29, 2010
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An attention-seeking act where a person uses facebook to announce something of significant personal importance such as an engagement, pregnancy or even the death of a loved one.

In many cases people will deliberately withhold the news in conversations with friends so as to not reduce the sensationalism of their announcement.

This is totally gay.
Facebook: **** **** is engaged to ***** ******
Sophie: OMG congrats xxxxx
Jenny:OMGZ that's soooo great xxx
Me: How come you didn't mention that yesterday when we spent the day together? Facebombing?
by Rude McDude June 21, 2010
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Commenting on every new story on Facebook list while drunk.
Damn, last night I was drunk and I think I did a facebomb! Shit everyone on Facebook hates me now!
by ,_\ ( ) |-| /\/ November 7, 2011
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When another person leaves the computer with their facebook page still logged on, you make a status for them to embarrass them.
My Sister facebombed me. She made my facebook status:"I have the best sister in the whole world."
by Jenjosie October 15, 2011
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To ambush, hijack, sabotage or publicly defile another person's profile.
After their breakup, Lily facebombed Nick, posting embarassing photos and videos on his wall.
by nowhy February 15, 2011
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When your face gets picked out the crowd in a photograph when you were'nt paying attention and gets highlighted on facebook.
These photos tend to be less than attractive and usually lead to some embarrasment. ie. if you were just about to sneeze
Ah man, I got facebombed at the slug in Bournemouth last night now my face is all over the internet. FML.
by Shamrockjkf September 5, 2013
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