i got to fk that hot chick!
by John December 19, 2004
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"Fucking Kiddie Site" ...used to describe any website oriented toward kids. More specifically, any site with content directed toward people deemed younger or less mature than the person calling it "FKS".
That FKS is full of noobs and stupid kid stuff.
by Uhhh-Clem November 30, 2006
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Fat Kid Syndrome- of or relating to the continual need or burning desire to indulge and gorge oneself in a multitude of delectable, ingestible items, which if not treated or satiated stat could result in any number of: seizure, spasm, angina, kidney failure, irritable bowel, migraine, nausea, sever mood swings, manic episodes, mutilation, cannibalism, pillaging, raping, racism, retardation or even death
Dara and Julia's FKS is acting up they might eat a small country if we do not get them food ASAP.
by Dara and Julia October 19, 2004
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Hang with friends, do something fun, adventure
Bro we should fk this weekend i’ve been so bored
by john_bentlyfishing October 4, 2019
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Custo: trid FK pol?
(do u want an FK pol?)
Pol: int pufta anzjan mur xuttja l em bil kontra a pes pufta anzjan u l FK mur tija l misssssssssssssirek duk il pufta l ihor a pufta l int
(polish reply..)
by Karist April 3, 2008
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Flag Keeper. The title used for the student of the Faculty of Environment at UW. The FK is responsible for taking care of the es flag and keeping the memory of ES alive within the ENV Crew.
I'm not the flag bearer, anyone can carry the flag... I just keep it. I'm the FK
by yeeaaaaahhhhhhh December 13, 2010
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1) An abbreviation for Fat kid
2) what you call a friend (affectionately) or non friend (who doesnt know what it means) when they do something a Fat kid would do (eg: scarf down food, fail to get up stairs, breathe super hard after running a short distance, etc)
Ex 1 :(while looking at an overweight classate you dislike )
Friend 1: He told me I was ugly!!
Friend 2: Ha! are you kidding?! he's a total FK

Ex 2 : (Said to your friend while she scarfs down her burger)

Friend: haha FK moment
by Jess'sBFFWhoCantRidePixi September 3, 2010
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