all the best rappers i ever heard are white. like ev.
by inks November 26, 2003
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Black but athletic man will be in the NBA, impossible to stop
Look it's Evidence let's get around him all the guys are like be on my team man
by Gang. Com December 21, 2016
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That which proves or disproves; that which makes plain or clear. Facts.
The lawyer could not provide enough evidence for his defendant
by goodvibesgoogooogg April 3, 2017
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This phrase used to be used by experts in a field (e.g. law, government, science) after they had spent a huge amount of time (e.g. weeks/months/years) studying and researching every single possible angle on a subject before having the knowledge to say that "there is no evidence" that a certain statement or object is true.

Nowadays, it is used by any Tom, Dick or Harry who spent zero time studying and researching a subject to appear that they know something in depth when they disagree with an expert opinion (the expert opinion has overwhelming proof and is utterly true).

This phrase should not be allowed on any broadcast media unless whoever says it can prove to the world that they have done their research and can prove their point.
"There is no evidence that you'll get wet if you go underwater"
by Diamond_Thunder March 23, 2021
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liquor(the term is incroporated into a suggestion that the evidence can be destroyed by drinking it)
How did that punk get ahold of my evidence?
by Light Joker April 27, 2006
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Evidence is a name that not so many people have heard of. He is african person that has load of friends from almost most skl that HE know. He can be really funny and really fun to be with. His name sound like someone who is intelligent but is low-key not the smartest person. He can help you with some question on life. If you start to know him better, you will realise that he is acc a nice person. He not the best attractive person but he is really loyal and really delightful person. He is also someone that if your in a fight he will back you up if you are good friend with him. Evidence loves to eat and loves to be relax so he could be at time clusmy. He is also really sportive, even though he doesn't do much sport. He also always have gum so if your mouth is bitter, just ask him and he will pull out a bag of gum out of his pocket.
Heey Evidence, Do you have any gum?
I got you James.
Thanks g
by FortismereStudent November 27, 2018
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To appear to be acting in a camp or openly homosexual way.
by Conrad Snook December 9, 2003
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