A great action movie starring Christian Bale, and featuring the highest on-screen body count of any film (non-war).
by matt November 4, 2004
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yo yo I watched Equilibrium last night and I was lime "woooahhh!"
by Nooby McNoob August 3, 2003
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Probably THE most uncreative movie ever made. Swiped fully off of much better movies like THX 1138, Fahrenheit 451 & 1984 but added nothing of it’s own to the genre. The biggest flaw of this movie is its whole “NO EMOTION” concept which is easily found flawed since EVERYONE had emotions. 2nd would be its bullshit Gun Kata that was merely designed to tap into the current trend of other Hollywood Kung Fu movies.
when 67% of critics say Equilibrium blows... there's a chance they're right.
by Mr Wall December 31, 2005
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When someone is in touch with both their Masculinity as well as their Femininity and are in an equilibrium of the two
Jake: Malakai is pretty feminine, Isn't he?

Lana: I'd say he's both masculine and feminine. He's equilibriumic
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1) to have balance

2) the word most off my friends can say while we are completely shitfaced, but one of my friends can't say it even while completely sober.
"Say equilibrium." "FUCKING EQUILIBRIUM, I can say it, i just don't have it."
by Morbid November 17, 2003
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When you achieve the perfect balence of being both drunk and high
8 shots + 2 bowl packs= equilibrium
by welikefreshfreshfresh June 10, 2013
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The point at which one's overall number of friends on Facebook (or other social networking site) Stays at roughly the same number. This phenomenon occurs when one has maintained a profile for a few years, and the rate at which that person is making new friends is equal to the rate at which old friends forget about the person and remove him/her from their friends lists.
Person 1: "That's so weird... I just added Mike and Jane as friends last week, but I'm back to 563 friends again."

Person 2: "Ah, I see you have finally reached friend equilibrium."
by Teeeeeeeej July 14, 2010
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