Enoing is sleeping, hanging out, socialising and many other tasks however it is all done in an eno. Eno is a type of hammock.
hey man do you want to go enoing today.
by T-Riley G November 14, 2011
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Enos' are very social and everyone who meets them are automatically their friend. They have fun-loving personalities that make everyone want to hang out with them. They care about family life and make family their first priority, they are the type of people who want to make a difference in the world, and do so through their personality.They are usually musically inclined and use it to express themselves.

Enos is a the same name of the grandson of Adam (Gen 5:6; Luk 3:38)
Today at the club I met this guy, he was such an Enos to everybody!
by fredseviltwin January 9, 2011
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A godforsaken suburb of Kingston, Oklahoma which in and of itself barely qualifies as a town. Those from Enos are commonly referred to as an "Enos Penis".
Guy #1 "I'm from Enos. Know where that is?"

Guy #2 "No."

Guy #1 "It's just outside of Kingston. Know where that is?"

Guy #2 "No."

Guy #1 "It's in Southern Oklahoma. Know where that is?"

Guy #2 "No."
by Bamchug April 26, 2009
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1. An oral medication that aids heartburn. Fizzes on contact with water.

2. A slang name for a morbidly obese woman. As one would need to sprinkle to see where it fizzes in order to aid copulation.
Billy: Check out that Eno's over there!

Jim: Yeah dude she must weigh at least 180kg's!
by sarcasm@will February 8, 2010
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An on-line dating maneuver whereby 1 man sets a minimum of 3 dates with different women for the same time and location. At the given time and location the man shows up with as many as male friends as dates as he has set up.
Then the female dates choose whichever Enos they're attracted to for the evening. A win/win/win/win/win/win
When Tiffany, Brittany, & Christina show up expecting a date with Enos, they encounter the 3 Enoses and they get to choose the Enos of their liking.
by Chedward Lazaro January 14, 2011
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A deity of coolness. Also a moderator of the Tippmann Fourms. Known for his hilarious netradio broadcasts, as well as heading up an IRC channel.
After LCPL Boudreaux knocked up his sister, Enos Shenk so got seconds!
by travis75 August 14, 2006
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A word that means perfection in the Directioners language.
"Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn are all Noitcerid Eno."
by VeronicaStylinson28 July 15, 2021
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