A gift from the gods oscar winner 10 years in a row and 4k hd quality it includes some great famous emokis such as poo and a meh.
Theres not much else you can ask from a movie.
Im seeing the emoji movie!

Friend : its rated 10 percent on rotten tomatoes

*struck by lightning*
by Meh Emoji October 4, 2017
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A cinematic masterpiece, jacksfilms puts it best with, "I give the Emoji Movie a đź’Ż out of ten!"
"This me me big boy got to see the FANTASTIC Emoji Movie on July 28!"
by yapples_ January 6, 2018
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A massive sin. Referring to the trend of people using emojis. This movie makes you feel like shit, it punches you directly in the nuts saying: “wow, you’re a fucking idiot for watching this movie. Good job wasting your money on something pointless, I hope you are happy with your result.” It’s hell. Trust me, my cousin dared me to watch this movie, Can I get my money back? Glad this movie gets a shitty rating. Good job, Sony Animations. You have hit a new low.
Derek: hey, buddy wanna watch the emoji movie to torture ourselves?
Jason: you’re block button looks so good rn.
by rabloing June 23, 2019
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Child: Can I go see The Emoji Movie mom?
Mother: No son. That movie is cancer.
by DerpGuyDICTIONARY July 28, 2017
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If you, by some miracle, are actually thinking of watching this school shooting of a "movie," please dial the Suicide Hotline: 1-800-555-9999. Watching it is, to say the least, an incredibly painful way to fucking die. And to those of you who have watched it, I wish you'd known how much you'd be missed before then.
The Emoji Movie makes the Holocaust look fucking hilarious.
by Yopmail User April 10, 2023
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Only the most cancerous film ever to be created. literally has a 6% on Rotten Tomatoes. Like, seriously Sony. Why would you make this?
Person 1: Hey, do you wanna go see The Emoji Movie?

Person 2: (grabs revolver) Whoever kills themselves last will have to buy the tickets.
by somesortofgaykid August 3, 2017
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the epitome of the disgusting pile of garbage Hollywood has become.
by theliteralpoopemoji July 29, 2017
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