Emerence's love their friends with all their hearts. they may look like they don't but when you are gone from them for a while they will come back as soon as possible. They HATE males such as males with the name Ismael. They will probably play Fortnite or Roblox and adore it. If they like a boy they will let them come in her life otherwise she will literally kill you. They are very crazy people with a petite height. They will always cheat on you :D.
random girl: is that an emerence?

other girl: yes, she cheated on her boyfriends in a single day. she had 4.
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Emer is a clumsy person that can't seem to walk in a straight line. Emer tends to walk into doors a lot.
Did you really fall over again. You're such an Emer.
by Clumsy shit December 15, 2019
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bitchy, straightforward and direct. A person with many friends and many interests, usually sporty, but holds grudges. will make it clear they despise you even if there is no reason for them to do so. Gets pissed off at the slightest things, incredibly nice to some people and incredibly rude to others, just depends on their judgement of you.
“How could someone be so cool and pretty but also bitchy and rude like emerance?”
by ✰ an irrelevant liar ✰ August 15, 2021
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A pretty girl with a great personality. Normally has an awesome Indian boyfriend.
You rarely see Indian kids with girlfriends, but the one I know is going out with an Emer!
by brownie9984 August 30, 2011
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A meme lord, usually owns an Instagram meme page and can supply an explanation or idea for any possible meme.
Person 1: "Hey look at ____ over there talking about the latest meme, it's almost like he's an expert"
Person 2: "I'd call him an 'Emeric.'"
by add me on soundcloud June 21, 2018
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A person who doesn't really care for others and isn't very fond of other people. An ignorant,narcissistic ass.
Emere is the crowned prince of douchebags
by Demon Neon August 24, 2017
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emer is a shade of green
- what color is that?
- why its emer of course.
by allie April 24, 2005
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