(noun) a dumb person or action
(adj.) A way to describe a dumb person, action or idea
He's a durr.
Wow, that was durr.
That was the most durr thing I've ever done.
by durr101 August 30, 2011
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adj, n.

A derogatory term used to describe a man who exhibits excessive body fat and is easily disgruntled when scenarios are not favorable to him.

Most "durrs" typically live in rural settings, drive a four wheel drive pick up truck and partake in the consumption of beer on the porch after a long day of yelling at his wife. "Durrs" are also commonly supportive of the secession of the southern states, (namely the confederacy) and second amendment rights.

"Durrs" often slur their speech by replacing vowels with a distinctive "ûr" sound. Let us briefly analyze a sentence in "Durr dialect", the sentence: "God damn it Dale! Bring me a beer they're in the truck!" would be spoken by a "Durr" as: "Gûrd dûrmit dûrl! Bûrng mûr û Bûr thûr ûrn thûr tûrk!"
- "Hey man, yesterday i went to the county fair"
- "How was it? See any durrs?"
- "Totally man! It was a huge durr fest!"
by ScrippleD December 26, 2009
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A filler word used to quote self-indulgent or narcissistic people when the the original word he/she said is forgotten or insignificant.
I am here because boss durr requested that I durr the durr and inspect your durr. Durr durr regulations durr durr bureaucracy durr durr.
by Iron_Potato March 11, 2014
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The Act of being messed up. To do a stupid thing or action. Clueless and wasted...
"We went to the party, and everybody there was like durr..."
by C-UNIT June 11, 2005
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Jenny: Don't you think Johnny Depp is HOT?
Denise: Uh, DURR!!
by taylora91 November 29, 2009
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Ironic misspelling of the MS-DOS command "dir" which lists the directory's content.
Oh, the good old durr command again ...
by volcano_fl March 30, 2011
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You hear this guy?
Don't listen to this idiot, he's a fuckin' durr.
by ShadowRave June 28, 2009
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