Something that means that you are not a failed abortion and that the condom didn't brake and that your not on a whole different level of idiotic and stupid. You are normal. Be proud.
guy: Im Dreamphobic.
guy 2: Awe does your little peenie not rise up when you see a green speedrunner?
well thats too bad because mine DOES.
guy: I hope your father takes you off his will.
Father: *takes guy 2 off his will*
by pixluxx November 5, 2021
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Man 1: I am a proud Dreamphobe!
China: 1000000000000000000000000000000000000+ social credit
Some weird ass 14 yr old white girl with a pacifier: *spits out pacifier* N@Z1 1 h0p3 y0U d13 4 h0rr1bl3 d347h b3c4us3 y0u d0 n07 sUPP0r7 th3 dr34m c0MMUn17y 4Nd 1 dR4w dr34m r34 0N w477P4d uWu
by nzap85 December 12, 2021
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A person that hates dreamsexuals
Close to homophobic but against the youtuber dream
Jason: i am dreamphobic.
Vladimir Putin: you are now president of motherland.
by ijsbergen July 26, 2021
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someone who has the right opinion. none should oppose the movement of dreamphobes. these people are chads
Dreamsexual: hey i like dream
normal people: fuck you
Dreamsexual: your a dreamphobe
normal person: yes
by hibyeqw March 25, 2022
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A person who does not include themselves in the Dream fandom or enjoys his content not sexually.
Hey Tim, did you hear that Jake doesn’t like dream? I guess he’s Dreamphobic!
by Cowboy Salamander December 1, 2021
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A cool Chad that always knows that grass exists. The one that knows that Grass is for Dreamsexuals and Dreamgenders.
Twitter User 1: I as a proud Dreamsexual and Dreamgender. Pronouns are dre/am.

Twitter User 2: Ayo go touch grass cuz u are such a clown you Dreamsexual.

by Void-The-Umbreon. April 25, 2022
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