A person having very big ass
Devesh can't sit on a bicycle because of his ass
by Boi12321 January 3, 2022
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Bruhhhhhh, I just read all the defs for my name and im offended, so im about to drop a diss tracks on all these accounts.
Come at me fam. devesh is the symbol of greatness, we are being the give purpose to peoples's lives, we are the closest to god on the planet pluto so far. So yall who under estimate us can suck it
I need need an example I'm the goat- devesh
by Stay in yo lane October 26, 2018
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Someone who brings joy and happiness to his friends by cracking jokes about a certain specific friend.
Hey Sudhir, your dad is such a Devesh Magotra
by sxbyc35xz September 7, 2020
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Someone who is so fly even the sky seems small. Devesh is a deity in Hindu mythology. The name given to Lord Shiva.

People with the name Devesh are usually calm, polite, loving, caring and hella hot.
Devesh makes me wet without throwing water at me.
by Psudonoma November 23, 2021
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Madarchod balak, always locks himself to masturbate on his bed.
Oh what a Devesh
by Bitch ass nigga madarchod November 22, 2021
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