A goofy funny good looking dude. Funny as hell and goofy when he gets comfortable around you. He has good hair, and is a very passionate person who is very good in the bed. He is very commited what he sets out planning to do. He is also very confident person in general, but can be incredibly shy at times.
Ha stop being a Demetris
by All true 999999999 March 14, 2017
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Demetri is a very handsome boy usually dated by Addie’s. Demetri is Mexican and has brown hair. Can be called demetrios or “d”. Demetri is a very nice boy and always has something funny to say.
“Hey demetri wanna go out” girl #1

“No he likes me!” Girl #2

ladies ladies there’s plenty enough of me to go around” demetri
by Gigi hannigan December 6, 2018
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Someone who makes cheesy jokes and is the only one laughing at them, though he is super sweet and emotional. He loves a good game and is a bit of a rule follower so don't be a cheater. A Greek name originated from the Greek Goddess Demeter.
Wow he's laughing at his own joke. I bet his name is Demetri.
by ASL4life January 28, 2017
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literally the biggest freaking loser i have ever met
Person 1: Hey, have you met Demetris?
Person 2: Yeah, he is a freaking loser.
by bluestar155 August 17, 2019
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1. Taking a shit. You are the source of "food", and Demetri is the toilet. This is secretive way to communicate when you want too keep your bathroom use private.
Joshua : There are so many options in this food court, I'm thinkin we go with Panda Express.
Geoffrey : Dude, I'll be back shortly. I'm gonna go feed Demetri then I'll have room for some Beijing Beef.

Example 2
Sara : OMG Rach, those new Nacho Fries from Taco Bell were totally lit.
Rachel : Damn girl, Demetri will be eating well soon.

Example 3

Thomas (in bathroom) (in Russian accent) : EAT DEMETRI EEEEAAAAAT!!!!!

Nicole : What the fuck is he doing in there?

Henry : He's just feeding Demetri, Fireball and Hot Wings always do this to him.

Angie : Yea, the last time this happened, he had to perform Heimlich on Demetri, thankfully we had a plunger.
by BigBunny4482 February 23, 2018
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