1.) To be the ultimate male.
2.) To deliver more male in a single thrust of the pelvis than the postal service and the pony express in the last 126 years combined.
3.) To mess something up
4. Acronym for coolness
1.) Woa that Guy is so DMFS.
2.) God thats the DMFS pint.
3.) Damn, I totally DMFS'd that.
4.) DMFS, Dave "Mother Fuckin" Slate
by Jb0y09 February 8, 2008
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"Die Mutha Fucka"
Used in online gaming.

Also see EMS&DMF
nOOb: I wonder what's behind this corner?
Repo: DMF!!!
nOOb: HOLY SHI...!!!
Repo: Get some! Get some! Get some of this! (while feeding nOOb a healty casing of lead).
by AZN rule! April 28, 2003
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Dumb Mutha Fucker Syndrome - Someone who continuously appears stupid
He just asked if Martha Stewart owns Martha's Vineyard. That boy has DMF Syndrome.
by Miguelito de Pascuales April 26, 2010
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"Eat my shite & die mutha fucka!"
Used in online gaming.

Also see: EMS
noob: I see you coming. (not realizing that it's just a setup.)
nOOb: (goes for the bait) Ah-ha I got'cha!
nOOb: What do you have to say about yourself now???
(nOOb, base gets NUKED!)
Repo: EMS&DMF!
nOOb: help.
by AZN rule! April 28, 2003
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Chillin' like a Dylan last night when Crew Cut Beck Dude popped up crying on the tube. What's the deal? Dude's burnt toast. So, why's he back on the box? DMF-HAND!!!
by fuzdog June 30, 2011
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dis motha fuqer
why you trippin #DMF
by BumStatusYo December 16, 2019
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