A way your body releases got gas anal cavity and it is recognized as a fart
Waiting there for Santa I thought I would cut the cheese on his lap
by Ilike2eatpussy May 26, 2018
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To Fart;Let out gas
instead of saying so imporperly "did you fart?" yo ask "did u cut the cheese"
"Hey Charles did you cut the cheese cause it smells like &%$@"
by Yossi A October 12, 2005
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when someone lets out a fart. however there are all different types of farts. there are some which are really and i mean really loud that practically sshake the windows but make no smell at all. and then there are the SBDs (silent but deadly) which rele stink but no ones knows whop did it hence the name. but then there r the ones ur dog makes when he eats cheese. i mean have u ever smelled a dog fart? due the ones which make ur eyes burn and ur lungs feel like they have shrivled up and died in ur chest?!?! phew!
me: omg i cant breathe!
emily: hey! who the hell cut the cheese?!
jenna: dear god i cant breathe!!
me: i think i c the light!!...*passes out*
by alli-bo-balli34 March 6, 2007
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v. to Fart - Everyone knows that eating cheese makes you constipated. So eat lots of fiber to "cut through the cheese" and loosen things up. This makes for a smelly fucking fart, by god.
I ate a whole pizza yesterday and now I need to eat some bran to cut the cheese that's jamming up my colon.
by dave numbers May 22, 2007
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To fart.

Something that someone has done on the backside of the Wisconsin commemorative quarter.
by Sneaky Snyde May 28, 2005
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