man dont listen to any of these fools, Cronie means a yes-man, some schmo, like underlings.
i see u got ur Cronies with u...talking smack to some enemy boss about his go-to guys, the schmos.
by mikitymike April 18, 2005
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what is a cronis
What is a cronis. Many wonder, but nobody will ever know.
by buttsdudewhatevs June 19, 2009
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The person you want in your life forever, someone you built a strong connection with through an extremely rough time. You grew together, and although you had hard times together you both learnt and grew stronger as people.
You said some hurtful things to her/him, but none of it you meant. You'd made false allegations to hurt her/him without thinking of how that might affect them. It most likely started out of pain from something they did early on in the relationship. Your frustration has turned to some hurtful things.

You came in to each others lives for a reason, a good reason.

I want you in my life forever. There is so much more to you and I. We no longer need to hurt each other, a kiss and a cuddle is a lot easier. Try it.

Crony I am prepared to be vulnerable for you.
by _The Secret_ March 25, 2020
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shittt.. adam is definately my cronie. we alwayz be rollin together..
by mun e January 8, 2006
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good friend. it's actually the plural of crony, but i use write it as singular.
Maerilly has been my cronie since high school.
by sillyducky September 5, 2003
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Cronie is like saying homie. The same thing.. someone u kno or r tight with.
I DuNNo If U don'T Get iT tOO BaD...
by LaLa June 19, 2004
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pronounced crow-knee

A person that has contacted the coronavirus.
I don't want to be walking around in the grocery store with a bunch of cronies.
by Dexterium May 10, 2020
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