In the game of Starcraft, when the weakest infantry unit; a Zergling is upgraded with Metabolic Boost and Adreneal Glands. It then becomes a rediculously fast moving and attacking little bugger.
In large numbers, cracklings are almost unstoppable.
"Holy crap, my bunkers ddin't stand a chance against all those cracklings!"
by Hail to the Chief March 13, 2005
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While taking a girl from behind, just before you cum pull out and get her to lie flat. After releasing your load and filling her arse crack lay on top of her for a while. Hopefully she will fall asleep only to wake finding her cheeks stuck together causing her to make a crackling sound as she trys to walk the next day!
Brought some gash back from the boozer last night, after a cheeky session she woke to find id given her the crackles.
by The Admiral. September 28, 2009
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1-Rhyming slang for 'Piss', first invented in Carnaby Street
a-Fucking hell, that G&T went through me quick, I need a crackle and hiss!

b-Look after me bags, I need a quick crackle
by ModForIt January 24, 2005
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A more intense version of "crispy"

If something is defined as crackling, it is automatically superior to all other objects and beings.
A synonym to crackling is j'aime.
Mr.Toe: That troll ball is seriously crackling
Fish: Yes, Toe Man, indeed it is.
Mr.Toe: YEssSssSs
Fish: mmm, Toe Man, we shouldn't
Mr.Toe: oH, but it feels so right.
by Dr.Todd February 3, 2022
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A qualifier similar to shizzle, except commonly used by white folks.
"Fo' crackle, mah nackle."
by XBHS Lunchtable March 20, 2004
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A name for sheltered freshman from Boston University. Often used by older upperclassmen as a means to address younger freshman who exhibit qualities of craziness when given several tiny bits of alcohol. Much like Starcraft's Zergling when given Adrenal Glands and Metabolic Boost. Cracklings become crazy with tiny bits of alcohol due to their inability and inexperience to such stimulants.

Upperclassmen love hanging around Cracklings because they love watching Cracklings drink.
OMG that freshman is such a Crackling, I only gave him 1 shot of 151... WEAK
by #70 April 6, 2011
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My little nickname for crack so when I tell my friends I'm about to smoke some they will all giggle and not poke fun so much at me for smokin crack.
"Hey guy's, I'm gonna step outside and finish off this crackle"

Geez D Wray your so crazy (Everyone giggles)
by D Wray December 10, 2003
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