Named after Conan O'Brien from NBC, this is when someone is thirty minutes late to an event.
"Dude, why are you so mad?"
"My date was a half hour late last night!"
"Oh shit, she Conaned you!?"
by addiecohen January 10, 2010
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When a network terminates a long-lasting relationship with one of its stars and then prohibits him/her from appearing on television for a set period of time.

This entertainment industry term comes from the 2010 Tonight Show conflict when NBC decided to give The Tonight Show back to Jay Leno, while previous host Conan O'Brien was given a contract prohibiting him from make any appearance on television until May 2010 and prohibiting him from returning to television as a host until September 2010.
MSNBC ended its contract with Keith Olbermann, and they're giving him The Conan for at least six months.
by The Cone-Files January 26, 2011
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To wait a substantial period of time to have something given to you, only to have the previous proprietor take back said gift for their own personal benefit.
Last week my coworker promised to bring me a delicious cupcake and after I'd taken one bite I was totally Conanized.
by Im4Coco January 29, 2010
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A pale faced, tall and very talented latenight talkshow host whom sould be dubbed the new king of comedy.
Conan is a comedic god.
by Rachel February 9, 2003
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God. See also: Led Zeppelin, James Dean, John Cleese

I love him. In a platonic way. But these days, you take what you can get, eh?
Conan is cooler than cool. In fact, I do believe he's...ICE COLD!

Caroline! Caroline! She needs a gol- okay, ill stop.
by Ska bitch May 21, 2004
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When someone(NBC) gives you something then 7 months later they (NBC) forces you to give it back
Hey do u want a free house

ya sure

7 months later

hey I'm gonna need that house back

what the fuck you said it was mine

Well my other house started to fail so I need it back but u can have my old shity house

what the fuck screw you dam it I just got conaned
by Klc1709 January 14, 2010
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