It is a mix between a compliment and an insult. You are complimenting someone and insulting them at the same time.
Your but is so big it could be used as a landing stripe
by Charles James April 12, 2004
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"That's such a nice dress. It does wonders for your figure."

This person has just delievered a complisult.
by Ira G May 7, 2006
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An compliment mixed with an insult, neither hidden.
Sdean: You have nice eyes there, big nose
Sdean: see thats a compliment mixed with an insult I call it a complisult
by 403forbidden August 30, 2006
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An insult worded in the form of a compliment, or an accidental insult meant to be a compliment.
Instead of an insult, that bitch gave me a complisult to try to seem nice. "I see you look less fat than usual today." insult compliment wrongdoing accident
by miss tumblr January 13, 2014
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when something is a compliment AND an insult, at the same time. ;)
*Talking about an ugly person*
Friend 1: "Don't worry, you're not as ugly as her"
Friend 2: "Oh, thanks."
Friend 3: "That was a complisult..."
Friend 1: "Oh yeah..."

"You can do much better than him!"
(That is a complisult because they are saying that the girl deserves more, but they are insulting her boyfriend at the same time.)
by LBuff June 24, 2010
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1. To compliment and insult someone at the same time.

a. To belittle colleagues.

2. To insult and compliment someone at the same time.

b. To make yourself feel better about yourself when someone else has a much better idea than you, but your jealousy cannot fully allow you to fully compliment them.
Mr_Kaayyy your projects and what you come up with are awesome this is the compliment, but you spelled the "Beatles" wrong this is the insulting.

Thus, complisulting.
by Mr_Kaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy August 17, 2014
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Wow your hair came out great today,
Way better than it looked yesterday!
by 1stLtHTSavage October 17, 2021
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