a girl. very pretty but doesn’t realize it. she can normally have some family issues but she gets through them. has long hair and light blue eyes. lots of friends, nice, popular but not snobby, pretty, and just all around amazing. gets along with boys really well. cares about what other people think of her she just doesn’t show it.
by collmck April 6, 2019
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gipsy/Romany use this word often as an insult for example that collier bread bas**rd .mainly aimed at a non-traveller or a dirty house person.it comes from working down mines and the huge news about the new york collier brothers who lived in filth that killed them even though they were millionaires .dirty collier.
i can't stand that collier bread bas**rd
by mayby September 8, 2020
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she is gorgeous but doesn’t kno it. she normally has a bf but sometimes doesn’t. she can make u fall in love w/ by her beautiful blue eyes or her amazing personality. there’s nothing abt her not to like except for her clingyness. a collier can be a little clingy but normally she realizes it and stops. she normally worries abt what she wears and what people think of her bc she has to put a brave face on for everyone. normally on the inside she is having her problems but she never shows it. if you have met a collier never let her go bc she will be there for u no matter what, she will always have ur back in times of need, so never let her go bc it will take a while for her to let u go.
see that girl over there talking to him.. shes a collier.
by collmck April 16, 2019
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co-host of a "popular" podcast by the name of Wombatcast. he is a funny guy with very little insight into anything in the last 10 or so years. unless it has to do with kids.
"Andy Collier
Beat Portal one in just under 4 hours. I don't even know if that is good or not."
by journalrose May 24, 2011
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When someone slowly digresses from having a fluent social life to having hardly no social life at all. This often occurs when someone gets a full time job (transportation company and/or police) and does not have time to attend these social functions due to untimely shift hours. Subject spends most nights at work while spending most of his free time stalking girls on facebook or myspace. Last known case was out of Salem, MA in 2008.
"I think my roommate has Collier's disease. He worked 48 hours this week and spent his only night off stalking single girls on facebook"

"Doctor, I can't stop stalking girls on facebook when I'm not at work. I think I contracted Collier's Disease"
by Kris Hansen July 11, 2008
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An extremely talented 25-year-old man, hailing from London, England. He's a master of harmonization, chords, and microtones. He understands music theory like it's his first language. Collier owns multiple instruments and learned them all on his own- an audidact, if you will. He also has perfect pitch and really is a fun guy, along with possessing a tremendous amount of talent that most, if not all musicians wish they could have. Some people envy him and try to belittle his music, saying he's "just a white boy who uses autotune." Others look up to him as an inspiration. He's also quite a handsome fella, if I do say so myself..
Person 1: Hey, have you ever listened to Jacob Collier? He's a real fuckin' genius. 21st-century Mozart!

Person 2: Oh, that show-off white kid with the spiky Asian-boy hair? He's nothing special, honestly. Shit artist.

Person 1: What? No, you probably don't understand what he really does. You don't have to be a huge fan of his music, but the work he puts into it is truly amazing. Not to mention he plays hundreds of instrume-

Person 2: Would you shut up? I know he's a talented fuck, that's why I hate him. All he does is flex. Cocky jerk.

Person 1: ooook
by confused nick face June 18, 2020
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