a word made famous by quagmire from family guy the term roofie colada is refering to a drink with a roofie in it
as you go to the bar the bartender says "So what will it be a jack and coke for you and the usual roofie colada for your date"
by Big Nutzzz December 7, 2003
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When you are having a drinking marathon, it is the drink that puts you over the edge.
That shot of rumplemintz must have been a ruffie colada, cause I don't remember anything after it. Ruffie colada--it will make you feel good, and steal a tiger!
by Jerry Bob Garcia January 29, 2011
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The name of the load a woman swallows the night after her man spent the entire day drinking pineapple juice.
her: who drank all the goddamn pineapple juice?
Him: don't worry babe I made you a penis colada.
by ElSenorDuke November 22, 2014
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Any drink that has been urinated in, ejaculated in, or had a penis inserted into it.

This magical transformation is usual done to enemies who are unaware.
Remember, you can turn any of your enemies (or friends) drinks into a Penis Colada.

I just gave that lucky asshole a penis colada!
by RBurton May 17, 2009
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A cocktail made with pineapple juice or pineapple chunks, coconut cream, and rum. Known for its sweet, easy-drinking taste that masks a sizable alcohol content (around 2 oz of rum per drink).
Lisa made out with Chris after one too many Pina Coladas last night.
by subhuman85 November 5, 2006
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An Australian alcoholic beverage educed from the innards of the koala.
Oi mate! We're almost out of koala coladas!
by $$$$$$$$$J-Money$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ December 28, 2009
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When a woman is fucked in a rotational like fashion that mashes all the shit in her ass to liquid. After intercourse the recipient of the Pener Colada will rush to the bathroom and spill out their previous meal into the bowl and a show of passion.
Babe, that Peener Colada you gave me last night feels like it shaved off three pounds
by Abortion Factory October 14, 2018
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