1.) When a girl stays with someone or continues to proposition an ex just for the sex, because it's simply magnificent.

2.) The female equivalent of being whipped.
"Oh girl, this boy has me cock locked. He's so good I'm coming at least 4 times per night. Too bad he's a douche bag."
by Andi W. October 5, 2007
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when multiple men are after one woman
hey man, no cock locking this ones mine
by jackson s. meadows February 13, 2005
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When a girl's pussy is so tight and her muscles so strong she can put a cock in lock down.

Dude! I was with my Jolipop last night and she cock locked me so hard I couldn't pull out!
by Jolipop December 4, 2007
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when you're stopped from doing something because of an erection.
after reading that sexy email from my girl, I was cock-locked to my desk and missed the start of the meeting.

how was that lap dance?
great, but I'm totally cock-locked to my chair.
by Leebs March 24, 2007
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When a woman (or gay guy) is obsessively in lust with one particular man, to the exclusion of all others, she is said to have all her desire locked onto his cock, or cock locked, and she cock blocks herself by ignoring other men she could have more easily. Being cock locked is similar to being whipped, except it's more specifically about sex and cock than a relationship in general.
Tammy: Candace, there are over a hundred gorgeous, successful, extremely horny men in this place! Why don't you pick one and have yourself some fun for once?
Janice: Don't bother, Tammy. She's so cock locked on that bartender, she doesn't even see anyone else. Look at her! She's fuckin' drooling.
by PBoy 1 August 30, 2008
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much like pussy whipped but for females, the woman likes the aleged cock so much she cant leave him or it alone
Nikki was so cock locked by josh she fucked him the day after she dumped him
by pvwrestler October 10, 2007
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Cock Locks are dreadlocks, however the key difference is that instead of using hair from the head, they are made using public hair on males. The combination of the public region ("cock") and the dreadlocks yields the final term, cock locks.
Damn, that male stripper has so much pubes he made cock locks!
by MasterD3b@tor August 4, 2008
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