A "man" that lacks masculine traits due to having a hole in their chest.

Aka a chest pussy.
Famous Twitch streamer Ludwig has a nice looking chussy
by PoggersGod September 6, 2021
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A portmandeau of 'Chinese pussy', slang for a Chinese woman's vagina
"I went down on Su Ling last night, ate her chussy like chicken chow mein"
by The Vesnik July 26, 2021
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A Chode Pussy. Some one that is so annoying or so stupid.
YO Chussy. or Stop being a Chussy
by Carter, Joe May 28, 2008
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A slang for Pectus excavatum. A combination of chest + pussy
That's a deep Chussy.
by exclimited October 12, 2021
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