A cool asf rad surfer dude who says “yeah man cool waves rad ocean” surfer girl who likes blonde suffer guys with nice backs🤙🏻
Yo man Cheyanne is so rad at surfing dude”
by Letty marschia moolan May 24, 2018
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Cheyanne, my bestfriend, a beautiful, amazing person. She is always there when I need her. I couldn't live without her. She is a very special person and will always have a place in my heart. My first true friend. <3
I love you Cheyanne!
by MonsterHD18 June 25, 2013
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An amazing person. A bit violent with her friends, but it works well with her witty and clever personality. Also beautiful and talented. She uses these talents to help the less fortunate. Can be truly inspiring at times.
Guy 1: damn who's that?
Guy 2: that's Cheyanne, she's awesome.
by Clever jokes July 19, 2013
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Cheyanne is a beautiful person and has her ups and downs with her friend's, but can sometimes be rude.
Cheyanne is rude to Monica King.
by rudeasscheyanne October 29, 2015
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The hottest and chillest person you'll meet. Cheyanne is a caring and generous person with a big heart and a killer sense of humor. Cheyanne may not like school, but they are well-spoken and a big thinker. They always consider other's feelings and think before they speak. Cheyanne will always look out for you, and have a foul mouth while doing so. They make great girlfriend and give compliments a lot. They are also quite artistic.
"Cheyenne just looked at me and doodled something in her notebook!"
"I'd kill to be you"
"Everyone knows Cheyanne draws people she likes."
by Simp Train January 10, 2022
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