The Raging Bull is widely believed to be one of the greatest martial arts stances in existence. First, get down on all fours. Declare in a loud, proud voice "Witness the Raging Bull!!!" Proceed to rapidly pelvic thrust forward while screaming "Raging Bull! Raging Bull!" The proper place to engage in the Raging Bull is in the middle of an intersection. Make sure many cars stare at you in horror or in admiration. Enjoy...the Raging Bull.
I was calmly stopped at a red light, when I witnessed a young man engagin in the Raging Bull right before my very eyes!
by shuuxrei October 7, 2006
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Someone who has red hair and gets fired up.
Did you see raging bull break daniels ribs?
by ¤Ace¤ September 7, 2006
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The best movie of the 80's. A powerful, raw and poetic masterpiece.
-Raging Bull is the greatest movie of the 80's. Don't you agree Arlo?
-No, I am going to say-- Taxi Driver.
But that came out in 1976.
-Oh, then Evil Dead II.
-You're a dumbass.
-I know. I am about to leave for the Korova Milk Bar, chat later. We're talking good horrorshow.
-Peace out bitch.
by Wes December 11, 2004
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As you are having sex call your partner by a different name. They'll get upset and try to get you off of them and you hold on for as long as you can...bull ride style...
by aleximir October 11, 2007
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This occurs when a girl squirts semen out of her nose after giving a blow job.
The Raging Bull made me vomit.
by Stevie Yates September 13, 2009
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you begin to have sexual intercourse with a famale or male and you then to proceede to tell him/her that you have AIDS and try to stay in as long as you can!
yo man, when i was banging that chick last night i gave her a raging bull and i stayed in for TEN SECONDS! thats so fucking long. But then she punched me in the face....
by david beckham April 7, 2005
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To charge towards a girl with your penis hanging out, flopping all over the place. The Raging Bull is generally done by a drunk guy who sees a girl he's interested in from across the room, bar, etc. It is done to display confidence, dominance, and endowment.
Joe was wasted last night. He pulled a Raging Bull on that hot blonde across the club and ended up hooking up with her.
by Johnny964 September 6, 2014
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