verb - to get wit (in a non sexual way).

to hang one-on-one with someone, burn copius amounts of weed, do pills, homemade drugs, abuse chemicals found at most wal-marts and listen to jay z (for effect).
"yo, deng, check that tite faux-naggah with thems sweet-ass reeboks he touches up with white spray paint.... think i'n gonna see if he gotz any crunk snort and wantsta bro down."

"shit dung heezah, them aint reeboks"
by stu in the zoo January 19, 2007
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When a bro goes down on another bro to perform oral sex on them. This is completely heterosexual and completely no homo.
"Dude, I'm so horny"
"I can bro down on you if you dude"
"OK, no homo though"
"Inherently, bro"
by Lil-Pump-a-Bro April 5, 2018
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The Bro Down: When 2 Friends compete in a Bro Down, You lock hands like a handshake. Then you both take turns Slapping each other in the face, getting progresivily harder every slap. If you Dodge an incoming slap, you get 2 smacks to the face. If you let go of the other persons hand, whoever lets go looses automaticly, then the Winner has the right to walk around giving high fives and braging about how you lost in the Bro Down.
Jake: YEO did you se that Bro Down I just did?
Drew: YEAH, you totally smacked the shit outta him, he's a bitch for letting go.
Drew: Wow, way to bitch out of the Bro Down Beth...
Beth: He was gunna smack the shit outta me what did you want me to do?
Drew: Stay in the Bro Down and be A MAN!!!
by Drew and Mike March 23, 2010
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When a member of a peer group (such as skateboarders, stoners, music heads) asks someone with some minor degree of authority, such as a stoner store cashier or skateboarder club bouncer for special treatment or a free pass for services because they belong to the same peer group.
Used CD stoner store clerk: "That will be $15.00"

Stoner shopper: "Dude, can I get the Bro Down? I only have $12.00."
by truck head September 4, 2009
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The opposite of man up. This term applies to those falling short of first place or just failing in general.
John had a blister on his foot that explains the 2nd place ribbon and the bro down effort.
by oj.did.itzzz September 17, 2013
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The 178th Ferengi Rule of Acquisition. When eating box, after separating the meat curtains, chow down bro. Can also be used as a suffix to other rules of acquisition. The sound made after chowing down on box is "nog nog nog nog..."
Source "The Dork Trek Podcast" Episode 257 DS9 Life Support
Jake to Nog, "Did you see the 36DDs on that Dabo Girl?"
Nog to Jake, "I want to eat her meat curtains!"
Jake to Nog, "Chow Down Bro"
Nog to Jake, "Nog nog nog nog"
by Dick Examiner November 10, 2017
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When a party of 2 or more bro's consume at least 6 beers each and just be a bro.
Bro #1: My girlfriend is being such a cunt right now.
Bro #2: You know what you need bro?
Bro #1: What?
Bro #2: A bro down.
by realoj September 17, 2017
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