An unbelievably gorgeous boy who has ringlets for hair and big, blue eyes. With an outgoing personality and a cherubic smile, he is an angel in disguise. Briar's really enjoying rocking out. They are electronic genuises and reject conformity. If you have a Briar in your life, thank your lucky stars because they are few and far between.
I can't believe you are playing Guitar Hero when you are only 3 years old- that is so Briar of you!
by Starshine Ashbourne February 3, 2010
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A female minor who lies about their age, usually for sex with older males.

Also can be used as a slang term for somebody who sleeps with many partners (see slag or slut)
I hate that girl, she is a real briar
by Anonymous tipster :) September 14, 2007
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Most Briars are energetic pretty and sporty they are usually hot and get all of the boys ;)

Solemates First Initial usually H, B, Z, Or T

Briars are very Beautiful and have hobbies like Gymnastics, Netball, Dance or something like that

They are also very talented And Their Best Friend initials usually L, F, E, Or T

Best Briars are Scorpios or Virgos :)
Briar is a pretty humorous girl
by KewlllLitttKidd69 November 12, 2019
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n. Any important ice-curling or water-polo tournament where prizes in the form of large coffee-cups are awarded for shot-rock, sweepings mvp, and top goalie. Often Canadians and Swedish folk take their elderly or infirm relatives to Briars as it is a restful form of entertainment that will not over-stimulate the senses. Traditionally women are not allowed to compete in Briars except mid-week but this is changing with the introduction of half-weight rocks. A Canada-wide briar, in which the revered Tim Horton's Coffee Tankard is awarded, is held every three years with entrants selected in a national lottery.

Are you taking your granny to the Briar in Calgary this week-end? I hear the Canadian coffee tankard is up for grabs.

No. She has to get her colostomy changed over for the winter so it don't freeze.
by gnostic1 February 4, 2012
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Noun. People, usually caucasians, who where mullets, go to NASCAR events, drive pick-up trucks, believe Dennys is fine-dining, drink all your Heineken yet only offer you Old Milwaukee Light, put Calvin stickers on their back window, and who typically procreate at an alarming rate disproportional to their yearly household income because they have no job skills or ambition.
Susan, you see that guy over there talking about his Camaro like its a god-damn Ferrari, if you've seen one fuckin' briar, you've seen them all.
by UDPride December 26, 2003
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A male who is a dick to girls, treats them like hell, plays with thier hearts, Instigates cheating, and just a complete and udder asshole.
Johns all over Jill. He must be a Briar
by SkinnyPetebabygirl March 25, 2011
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