A band-trip boyfriend is acquired in the following manner: a single band geek sits beside another single band geek on the band bus over the duration of a band trip (especially a long one). Close quarters and raging hormones result in a couple, especially in middle-school scenarios where "having-a-boyfriend" is considered an essential mark of status. Because of sheer desperation on the part of some band geeks, it's nearly inevitable.
Susy sat next to Jake on the band trip to Florida. They're going out now; it's a perfect case of Band-Trip Boyfriend Syndrome
by .______. April 22, 2006
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Chronic bad luck boyfriend syndrome is where you cant find a charming, sweet, and romantic guy and all you can find are losers!
Nichole: Why can't I find someone special!!!
Friend: I think you have chronic bad luck boyfriend syndrome!
Nichole: FML....
by Mae0926 January 13, 2012
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When a female or male gets female or male partner and hangs out with them so much that everytime a friend calls there always doing something with their partner and never have time for you. Their partner is included in all their plans and are they are rarely ever away from them. On those very rare times they are away all the do is talk about their partner and even leave early to go see their partner.
You: Hey whats your plans for the night? i felt like i havent seen you in a long time!
your friend: Well i have a movie date then were just going to back to the house. we should meet up another time! ill talk to (their partner) and we will arrange something
You: okay talk to you later ( you not sounding surprised at all ,uttering the words boyfriend girlfriend syndrome)
by tinsi June 21, 2009
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This may also refer to girls: Boyfriend Shirt Syndrome (BBS) occurs when you see your girlfriend/boyfriend/significant other wearing one of your shirts or hoodies and you either a) just find it completely adorable or b) find it sexually appealing, which it is more often found in the latter and referred to as "Boyfriend Shirt Syndrome". Though it is typically known with mainly shirts and hoodies, it can refer to any artifact of clothing.
Sandy: What is BBS?

Miranda: BBS? Oh "Boyfriend Shirt Syndrome" could be defined as when you see your girlfriend/boyfriend/significant other wearing one of your shirts or hoodies and you either a) just find it completely adorable or b) find it sexually appealing, which it is more often found in the latter and referred to as "Boyfriend Shirt Syndrome". Though it is typically known with mainly shirts and hoodies, it can refer to any artifact of clothing.

Sandy: OHHH
by Raven Nevermore January 26, 2017
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When you feel like your boyfriend doesn't really exist because you're in a long distance relationship and you forget what they sound like/look like
I wonder what my boyfriend's doing right now.. oh wait.. Do I have a boyfriend? I must have fake boyfriend syndrome.
by honoura November 22, 2013
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