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This is the app everyone is looking for but can't find! This is a hassle free play and earn cash out app that is 100% legit. I have had it maybe 4 days now give or take and I have already redeemed close to $15 straight to my Paypal! Thanks Boints for being exactly what you claim to be you get a 5 ⭐ review from me!!!!!!.
by GetBoints January 14, 2022
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Slapping ur dick on a inkpad, and then slapping ur inked up dick on a face, or other piece of skin
-slaps dick on inkpad-

by Gooch Lick August 15, 2011
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Its a nice little joint but with your tasty boogers, gets you high AF and quite possibly sent to a mental hospital
''See Marisa over there? i saw her using her baby brother's boogers for a boint''
by Maiparty2 November 1, 2023
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Anglo-Saxon Australian slang that is used to describe something, usually an event, that is seen as slightly stupid, annoying and/or unfair.
Can also be used to describe a person, in which case they are referred to as a bointer. A person described as a bointer is usually either mildly stuck-up, unreliable or an all-round shifty prick. Somebody that you don't want to associate with.
Person 1: The mechanic took a sicky today, but I checked his socials and he's actually staying home 'cuz it's his birthday.
Person 2: Bointer...
by Authorized Australian December 3, 2019
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Fantasy football term used to describe points that are scored by one's fantasy football players that are on the bench.
I decided to bench Drew Brees last week and he scored 38 boints.
by Road Rage Ryan December 8, 2019
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Game Boint is a revolutionary competetive sport that revolves around the use of the common household "Gak Splat". Competitors throw down on a court where each player has their own square playing area, facing eachother, with an equally sized sqaure dividing them. The ultimate goal is bounce the said Gak Splat in the middle sqaure, and then into your opponents sqaure with out your opponent touching the Gak Splat. If you accomplish this feat, then you awarded a "Boint". If your opponent bobbles, or "Pobbles" the Gak Splat, a "Boint" is only awarded if you can get your opponent to Pobble two times consecutively.
Fatty was an honorable game Boint competitor, until Stephen entered the sport and went on an 8-0 undefeated run.
by Stephen Efird August 11, 2006
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A bone and joint combined.
The doctor was talking about my boints.
by WilhelmII May 22, 2022
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