Having No Ass.
When your ass and Legs are blended together.
Wow she has a flat ass!
Ass? No My Friend, She has Blegs!
by Jim Reed June 10, 2006
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A brief statement used to express boredom or distaste, often appearing in text messages to indicate frustration with a given set of circumstances. Sounds a lot like blech, but is never spoken out loud.
It's been a long day...bleg.
by dblandon March 11, 2008
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Bleg - "Bl-Egg" is a state of inner piece and outer mind.

It has been known for bleg to completely take over people's lives as they search.
by Cmhirkies February 6, 2011
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A bum-leg. "Bleg" defines a person who has no crease or definition between their buttocks and legs. Straight up and down.
Simone: I wish i had a bum
Nadine: Gurl you've got a clear Bleg!
Simone: Damnnn i need to work out then.
by Clement Chung October 24, 2013
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The combination of the word "butt" and "leg"

Relates to an individual with so little backside that their butt and leg merge into one and it is impossible to tell where the leg ends and the butt begins.
I saw a girl today with an a** so flat she just had a bleg!
by BlegosaurusRex December 9, 2010
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Usually on fat people, where the leg is so fat and/or the butt is so small that there is no distinction between butt and leg.
Jenny wore dresses because pants wouldn't fit her bleg.
by Meinenhauser Gertenfinkel March 28, 2004
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To be bleg'ed
I have bleg'ed you
by The Blegzorian Commander August 27, 2003
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