Used to describe the act of taking a sip from another person's beverage without touching one's lips to the rim of the container.

(It is interesting to note that only native Orange County residents know the true definition of this term)
1. Can I please have a birdie of your water, dude?
by Jenny March 8, 2005
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Birdy (Jasmine van den Bogaerde) is most known from her cover of Bon ivers song "skinny love". She's a folk, indie folk, indie pop, and indie rock singer. She's 17 and from England.
Clare: Hey Katie! Have you heard of the singer birdy?

Katie: yeah I love her! I was just going to ask you to come to her concert with me. It's in April!

Clare: yeah cool, I'll be there!
by The band lover February 7, 2014
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an attention seeker who likes to victimize themselves and blame everybody else for their actions
person1: "dude.. birdie is getting all of her whiteknights to attack me"

person2: "yep, thats just a birdie thing"
by hehedrama May 24, 2019
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"Yo, that birdy got me pretty high."
by cash88 April 2, 2007
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Getting one under par in golf.
Whoohoo! That's my seventh birdie in a row!
by anonymous November 28, 2004
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"Did you hear of what Birdie did to Himeguts?"

"What did they do?"

"Doxxed them over Rayman!"

by someone birdie hates May 13, 2020
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1) Raised middle finger.
2) Golf term, hitting the ball into the hole one under par.
3) Patronising word for a bird.
1) I birdied the bus today!
2) Alright! I got a birdie!
by Arran January 3, 2005
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