The ability to win "here" and win "there". No to be confused with bi-polar.
Dude #1: Man, did you know Charlie Sheen bangs 7 gram rocks, guy must have tigerblood or something

Dude #2: Dude its how he rolls, he's bi-winning
by TheFARGler March 2, 2011
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When you are winning in two places at once. Or if you are just really awesome at life. People that are bi-winning may also claim to have tigerblood.
I am not bi-polar but I am bi-winning. I win here and I win there.
by BeasyStout March 2, 2011
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I’m bi-winning. I win here and I win there. Now what?
by MochaTree March 12, 2011
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If you are on a drug called Charlie Sheen while you are banging 7 gramm rocks... Also if you are considered to be bi-polar as your tiger blood will make you party epically.

You can only be Bi-Winning if you think that dying's is for fools.
A: Some are saying that ur bi-polar?
B: Wow, what does that mean?
A: I guess that You know you're on two inch of a spectrum.
B: Wow! And then what? What's the cure? Medicine? Make me like them? Not gonna happen!

by Emandamn March 15, 2011
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Bi-Winning is a condition that to date only affects one 'Human' being in the world. A man named Charlie Sheen.The condition causes the 'Victim' to experience a case of multiple disorganized success syndrome which leaves the patient in a state of self sustained success that eventually explodes in supernova of such gnarly proportions that the media gathers like vultures to bathe in the embers of the fallen 'winner'. This can lead to an emotional state known as winning paralysis where by which the ex-winner consistently utters the phrase:"Winning". In the last days of the 'winner' they suffer what could be considered the white dwarf phase of their eventual death, crumbling from the red giant stage into the white dwarf, cowering in the void until they seemly fade into anonymity with whisper."Winning!"
"I win a little here, I win a little there, I'm Bi-winning"
"I will love you like the flames of a thousand suns"
"Betty is now in another dimension"
"I'm a warlock"
"If she doesn't know how to spell her own name then she loses Bye,Bye!!!"
Need I go on?....
by P*A*B*O March 10, 2011
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Bi-Winning, you win here you win there.
I'm not bipolar i'm bi-winning, i win here i win there.
by iAlerion March 16, 2011
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The Charlie Sheen approach to life.
To not care about the consequences of your actions, but to rather just have fun doing them.

Such activities include;
- Getting high on a drug called Charlie Sheen that has the ability to 'melt your face off as your children weep over your exploded body.
- Not pretending like you're not special. You're not gonna pretend like you're not bitchin’, a total freakin’ rock star from Mars.
Person 1 - "Some people are calling you insane... Even bi-polar."

Person 2 - ""I'm bi-winning. I win here and I win there. Now what? If I'm bi-polar, aren't there moments where a guy like crashes in the corner like, 'Oh my God, it's all my mom's fault!' Shut up! Shut up! Stop! Move forward."
by FireBreathingFists March 10, 2011
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