An awsome singer ... also a great lyric writer,funny and nice person
Bert McCracken is one of the greatest singers I've Heard of Ever!
by Kim F. September 2, 2003
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An amazing guy. He is the singer/screamer of The Used, an awesome alternative rock band:)
He writes songs that are so poetic, it makes my heart feel like its being stopped by a hand, and he can sing so well it can reduce me to tears.
He smokes (:( BAD BERT lol), he might be engaged (? Jurys still out on this one), he used to be really tight with Gerard Way, then wasn't, then sort of is again.
I love him.
He loves me.
I wish.
"Lay your head down just for now|Space fills your mind as you dream-awhile|the sun floods your room as you drown|your lungs full of breathing-your true love beleive" -Bert McCracken
by Rachel(TheFantastic) September 16, 2007
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a great singer looks good when he pukes
i am a true fan if this man
i wanna do more than hump his leg i wanna fuck him and bert if you ever read this (i hope) i really do mean this the offers good forever rock on
by alex December 31, 2004
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Lead Singer of The Used with a grungy kind of look that is really hot. Bert has an amazing scream..unlike any I have ever heard .Even when he cleans up, he still looks dirty...and thats hot.He also has the word crack in his name.
Bert McCracken.....thats all I have to say
by Billy L. July 9, 2005
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HOTT in a crack addict kinda way.
bert mccracken is hot.
by Angela February 10, 2005
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from what i have seen of him he looks like a realy cool guy and fucking his leg whats with you peeps and your dirty minds
i cant waight till the next show!!!
by EmmaG December 1, 2003
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