A state in which one is drunk to the point at which essentially any girl looks attractive.
Dude, stop raggin on me for hooking up with that girl last night. You know I was totally beer-goggled.
by WaywardMind February 15, 2011
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the effect that alcohol(particularly large volumes of beer) has in rendering a person who would one would ordinarily regard as unattractive as sexually alluring.
Even with the beer goggles on, she was still remarkably plain.
by ponsford July 24, 2006
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An affliction that affects many 18-24 males after drinking beer, but also other types of alcohol. The final effect is bringing home a girl that is so ugly in the morning you have no choice but to throw her out the window to avoid the shame of having your roommates see her in the morning.
dude, i had really thick beer goggles on last night.
by PK811 August 6, 2006
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Modification of your opinion of an ugly chick based on the amount of beer you have drunk. The more you drink the better looking the girls are. Helps support the rule of: go ugly early.
Hey did you see that hag that rob is hitting on, he's got his beer goggles on again.
by stevemcccormick October 26, 2007
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Different name for Bar Eye.

Drink far too much and everybody becomes attractive!!

Very common slang in Britain.
He was a real minger last night, She must have been wearing beer goggles!!!
by PurpChar November 20, 2006
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An accessory men often wear when attending certain social functions, such as weddings, nightclubs, cruiseship discotechs and other vacation spots.

While beer goggles are great fun to wear at parties, men usually make the mistake of taking them off in the morning after waking up with the previous nights' score.
Does anyone really need an example?!?
by I don't like crunk August 29, 2004
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A less than stellar looking guy/girl who gets better looking the closer it is to the bar closing time.
Did you see that ugly bitch Keith brought home from the bar last night, I think he must have been wearing beer goggles.
by GM1 Stingray April 1, 2020
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