An animal that could beat that O Beefalo 0nes butt any day any time!
HEY O BEEFALO 0ne, Me AND this Beefalo could kick your butt!
by Musicman2508 April 8, 2005
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a morbidly obese or grotesque female resembling a cow usually traveling in troops and grazing
by nyisles87 January 6, 2006
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A large, ugly, or otherwise overweight human female. The beefalo can range in size from slightly obese, to a monster 1000+ pounder. Beefalo generally flock together forming a "herd", and prefer to "graze" nearest their favorite territories. (a mall where they can look for mates,or a fast food restaraunt, where food is bountiful, for example)
by sf49erfan55 February 17, 2006
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An cow that is 3/8 to 3/32 buffalo.
Your mom looks like a beefalo.
by OrangeSteve March 18, 2003
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1. A fertile hybrid offspring of domestic cattle, Bos taurus, and the American Bison(a buffalo)
2. A piece of music that satisfying like beef(or rock) but low in fat like buffalo(or Devo)
1. "Dude, did you try that awesome beefalo burger? It fills you up but doesn't make you fat."
2. "That song Coming Up by Paul McCartney is so beefalo. I feel better for listening to it, not weighed down or empty."
by Michaela Margaret March 23, 2008
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a creature tht is a mix of cow and buffalo also a cult in which tony and scott are associated..=
Tony and scott were swallowed by beefalo
by Madde April 13, 2005
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